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Well, I'm genuinely impressed, I feel the mastering is perfect and the EQ'ing made this song sound so full!
The drums were amazing, wailing guitar sounded like it was off silent hill xD
Which is awesome, extremely ambient feel and tension throughout.
Woah. oh and the beginning was awesome! nice variety

Cons: - sorry, but the only way you can improve is criticism (better than "U R sO aWeS00mME!!" reviews xD)

Maybe the sense of disorderedness, some things seemed kinda out of place. Maybe as if the song was tripping over itself with new instruments and choirs unexpectedly.
I couldn't really pick up a main melody line - though they are not really needed in songs with this kind of ambient state, but I would've liked to hear one or two^^

I'm really impressed with this, I thought it wouldn't be that good- but then the opening caught me xD


[a review in return would be most appreciated, but please don't feel obliged ;) ]

popraz responds:

Thank you for the review, and constructive criticism. It's greatly appreciated.

Well,, i'm not called rye, buut xD

Ok, I'll start with cons (as in pros and cons, but the other way round) so we can leave on a good note^^

Not much variety in the song and only about one section, with no variations in instruments and tempo or dynamics.
The drums maybe called have been more realistic, and maybe louden the main line? Maybe too loud xD but that is not really a point lol ;P

Though it's short, it's catchy - leaving me with that tune stuck in my head, which is a good thing xP
All the background pads, synths and stuff are seemingly perfect and keep that perfectness throughout.
And it loops well :) I have listened to it about 15 times through now xD

Good song, loops well, maybe a little velocity retouching and maybe add more variety and longevity.

ps. sorry I didn't write a longer review, but the song is kinda short xD

5/5 <----- Nearly gave you a 4, but I shifted it cause of that tune and to help others recognise you ;D


[a review in return would be much appreciated, but please don't feel obliged ;) ]

RyeGuyHead responds:

Of course I will return the favor

I agree with everything you said, gonna get back to this one sooon

Well, more cutouts :)

I see you took the advice, or decided to use volume cut-outs (project-vio) on one instrument xD

Lots of pros ;D
overall the song was extremely well done- and professionally made.
Drums- perfect
backing instruments- perfect

Though my only bad point is the main synth, I think it would've sounded better if you didn't cut the reverb aswell, I think it's called a modulation envelope in Sonar- where it fades the velocity of the instrument - and not the reverb. But that effect doesn't work with most my VST's so you could probably create another stereo bus for that and fade the volume bus and keep the reverb bus or add effects.

Anyways, great song! loved the tune and instrument, and the execution.
Only 1 bad point, and it is hardly noticeable after the 7th time I listen xD

[a review in return would be nice, but please don't feel obliged^^]

nightsurfermusic responds:

Yeah, i had a delay set on the synth so that when it dropped down in volume, it would continue echoing. It didnt sound quite right to me when i didnt have any delay/reverb, so i added it. Expect a fuller, longer version sometime soon! :D


Nice, interesting, and creative

The synth that starts at 0:41 sounded like it started a little too loud and would've sounded better if it faded in (only for about half a second)
The strings sounded a little bare - maybe more reverb or more variety in the velocities, or a timbre (I think that's what it's called xD)
As i listen to the strings now it goes well with the feel of the song.
Snare on the drum sounded a bit dry at first but it grew on me^^

Unlike mjattie I thought the slow start made the song even more ambient and epic. The synths were all executed perfectly! very creative in the style and the ambience is beautiful to listen to while watching the clouds go by, I know - weird combination xD
the part at 2:48 is awesome, but the volume cut-outs stopped it from being it's best ^^
Very catchy strings, even when I pause the song I still hear that tune :)

Nice song, really can't wait for the finished version :)
(Sorry if I was offensive in any way, I'm just trying my hardest to give a "Long, and helpful" review)
[oh, and a review in return would be nice^^ but please don't feel obliged.]

nightsurfermusic responds:

Thanks very much! It was very helpful! :)

The reason im not uploading a full version of this song is because it's going to hopefully be on an album. Dont worry, the volume cuts are taken out. Most of the things you stated as cons have been tweaked a little bit more.

Thanks for taking the time to write a good review sir!


Reminds me of Spring ^^
Really chilled out, relaxing and just leaving all your worries behind.

I seriously didn't want this one to end :)

Nice one boux

Boux responds:

Spring, leave worries behind, ill take note, you didnt wanted it to end, cool thats a great compliment, thanks again!

FL Studio.....?

Blasphemy! xD

no, seriously really nice tune you have here, catchy- and nice VG music
I wish i could use 3xOsc that well when I used FL studio^^


loansindi responds:

Psh. what's wrong with FL?

Thanks for the review though.

I've been very keen to hear

from you, and from what I gather you are amazing.

I am not disappointed, truly a goddess of piano :)

*****(maybe if you'd be so kind give some criticism on my latest song? Last Promise)

thanks if you do ***

but anyways, amazing Chopin style and it's just phenomenal


SuperTonic64 responds:

Thank you! I really appreciate your review! I actually do not play the piano well, I just use notational software to play it for me. :3

I'll be sure to take a look at your music! :)


Crikey, you are really good

seriously good
omg this is so epic

all I can think is more chord diffirientations and variety in the choirs? But I stopped thinkin this when the pace changed completely with the piano, real nice mood :D


Phyrnna responds:

Thank you! You are also very good. :P

It has a consistency in it that doesn't change, yet it also changes by the strings and choirs. And the break in the pace really also balance out the darkness.

Great to hear that you enjoyed the song!

~Phyrnna ^_^

Yeah, nice one!

Cool effects and sounds xD

crazy, amon tobin - yeah it does kinda sound like him at the beginning

ps woah, nice line-up of reviewers ^^

Erkie responds:



repetitive, as the last person said

But not enough to ruin the song, I liked the EQ'ing and balance you had.

Nice relaxing song I have listened to for like 6 mins now xD

well done
5/5 (just to help with zero-bombers)

DwayneBarry responds:

Haha, thanks, I appreciate it! : D

Mainly do piano music and classical :) PM any questions and anything regarding music for games/flashes.

Age 29, Male


I go regularly


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