I couldn't read author comments
Sorry, about that xD I just don't have much time - I'm listening to this while doing lots of school work, and keyboard practice and such.
well, I 5'd this cause it deserves it, and moar PROPER reviews.
first of all - Goth? I would have said classical, as this is just a piano. I thought the genre was the.. erm.. "Genre" not really the feel of the song as such. *though you could argue easily about that^^
anyways, it did achieve the goal very well, and seeing as it's made for a flash I overlooked the longevity.
The velocity on all the notes was perfect and the piano sample or vst you used is beautiful. Maybe a little more reverb .
My only real criticism is the repeat of chords- the progression is good but it doesn't make me forget that you use those chords for some the song. And maybe a
As dragon knight said - it is very haunting, and easy to listen to,
If it wasn't for a flash - I would say too long (though i am still thinking that because of the repeated chords)
but, If I push that aside, you have a very well made song.
crap, i didn't notice how long this review has been xD