haha I played this xD
on my saxophone :P it's a great tune, well done for playing it so well ^^
haha I played this xD
on my saxophone :P it's a great tune, well done for playing it so well ^^
Thanx man.
Maybe we can make a collab on this one ;)
nice work :)
EWQLSO Silver?
Sounds amazing, truly amazing :)
Good Song
I loved the pizzicatos and woodwinds,
I can't really think of much criticism lol
enjoy my 5! >:(
Haha thanks.
By the way, I listened to your Game 3 song and thought it was great! I would review, but I don't know what to say :(
Thank for the review!
Why didn't you PM me!!! :P
I can't stop listening to it lol xD
amazing song, amazing effects - wish I could do something like this
another great cheery tune! nice work!
I can imagine this
while playing sam and max or some old but popular game that I would remember really well :P
nice, It should work well in a flash - it doesn't loop that well though :*(
pm me kay!
and call it something different :P I'm not reviewing another porn song xD even if it is this good
the chords are some of my favourite combinations, very powerful
crazy effects, you seem to do them amazingly
nice work
Great ambient song
yeah like the guy below said a little repetitive, but I loved the synths and drums^^
awesome work here :)
Cool synths :)
yeah, very powerful chords and executed in a way - that I would say not the best dynamics with the synth instruments
The guitar.. well - it's awesome. haha I thought it was all gonna be the pad, then I heard the guitar and I was like, "silly me, this IS kor-rune" :P
I loved the chords they seem to express something deeper to me and-
woah it's mesmerising ^^
I'm d/l'ing this
Mainly do piano music and classical :) PM any questions and anything regarding music for games/flashes.
Age 29, Male
I go regularly
Joined on 7/5/08