Well,, i'm not called rye, buut xD
Ok, I'll start with cons (as in pros and cons, but the other way round) so we can leave on a good note^^
Not much variety in the song and only about one section, with no variations in instruments and tempo or dynamics.
The drums maybe called have been more realistic, and maybe louden the main line? Maybe too loud xD but that is not really a point lol ;P
Though it's short, it's catchy - leaving me with that tune stuck in my head, which is a good thing xP
All the background pads, synths and stuff are seemingly perfect and keep that perfectness throughout.
And it loops well :) I have listened to it about 15 times through now xD
Good song, loops well, maybe a little velocity retouching and maybe add more variety and longevity.
ps. sorry I didn't write a longer review, but the song is kinda short xD
5/5 <----- Nearly gave you a 4, but I shifted it cause of that tune and to help others recognise you ;D
[a review in return would be much appreciated, but please don't feel obliged ;) ]